Charlene Ronquillo
Health Informatics Equity Lab's
Patient-Public-Provider Involvement and Engagement (HIE PIE) Advisory
HIE PIE Advisory are core members of the HIE Lab and guide our program of research. Our goal in working together is to ensure that research being conducted by the HIE Lab are relevant to patients and the public and reflect the priorities and values of real people impacted by health technologies.​
Who are the HIE PIE Advisory?
HIE PIE Advisory members are patients, family members, caregivers, care providers, and health systems operations stakeholders who have interest in the use of health technologies and are willing to share their experiences.
What do the HIE PIE Advisory do?
Members are actively involved in advising and guiding the HIE Lab's development of research questions, priorities, projects, and creative ways that research should be shared with relevant audiences. The HIE PIE Advisory keeps our work grounded in real life situations and experiences and helps us to maintain humility in all that we do.